Summer Farm Wedding | Upstate New York

| Mabee Farms, Upstate New York |


It was a beautiful June day, a sunny 70 something degrees.  Wait, no it was a brisk 50’s late spring day.  With lots of golden sun.  Or no, it was a splattering of  billowy gray clouds cascading across the sky…?


Oh, it was all of it.


For anyone in Upstate New York on June 18th, you would have experienced a day with every weather ever, just missing the snow (although that’s just a stone’s throw away now…).  It was gloriously golden one minute, and crisp and chilly the next, but every minute of that day was stunningly beautiful.  M + N celebrated their hearts out, with lots of dancing, food, and sooooo much tequila!


But no matter the weather, M + N radiate such a brightness that it’s easy to forget the rain outside.



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